Available in my blog.
Watchface Features: Analog time (hours, minutes and seconds hands). Day.
This simple and colorful watchfaces pack is the biggest I’ve made so far. Inspired in a watch I saw (I don’t remember the brand), I created a similar style with some changes like the numbers, the seconds marks, different hands for the time and adding the date. And, also, in 10 different watchface colors!
With a dial showing 4 shades of the same color, these are the perfect watchfaces for this summer, bringing a wide range of colors to your wrist.
Good to see you back
. Thanks for the hard work you put into this 
Thanks, dude! Actually, I’ve been away more than I wanted… but we can’t say I’m “back” because I’ve NEVER left you, guys!
I’m “fighting in different fronts” these days. A couple projects from work that my annoying boss wants to have finished “for yesterday”… installing the OS in a new SSD that once it has all the settings and software I regularely use will replace my current one… setting up a computer that my neighbour gave me, that will become my main computer if it turns to be as powerful as I expect… and being the cool uncle that picks my 3 years old nephew from school and stays the evening with him until mom or dad comes from work.
But I’d never leave you, guys. I have a blog/site to manage!

P.S: I better not tell you these watchfaces were finished before my bro’s wedding on 16 April but I didn’t publish them 'till today 
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Good to hear . Welcome back lol 
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