KYR Watchfaces: KYR Clockwork Orange for DT Ultra 2

Available in my blog.

Watchface Features: Analog time (hour, minutes and seconds hands). Weekday. Day. 10 seconds dial. 30 seconds dial. Battery percent dial.

Tap options: Tap in the date to open the Calendar. Tap in the battery percent dial to open the Battery Options. Tape in the 10 seconds dial or the 30 seconds dial to open the Stopwatch.

No, this is not a watchface about the famous film with the same name directed by Stanley Kubrick. But yes, this is an orange watchface. Very orange. This color has been used in many nice watches, and in this watchface orange is the main color for your smartwatch’s look, which combined with black (and ocasionally white for the hour marks) will give you a unique style that won’t leave anybody indifferent. Download it now and give your wrist a unique look!

This watchface is available in two versions: with tap options, and without them. You can download and use in your watch the one you prefer.

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Really good work, thank you for sharing! :slightly_smiling_face:
And a happy new year.


Thanks, dude! And, Happy New Year for all of you!!!


And a happy new year from me :+1: