Kospet Prime 2 Official support UPDATED!

Too big to keep at night!
And no sleep or heart monitoring so useless too…

So it’s charging during the night.
BTW : the new charging cable of the Prime 2 is an GREAT improvement compared to the horrible one of the Prime!

I use a self regulating charger so it is fast and, I hope, secure.

About tap to wake - that’s exactly the answer I got when I asked for it to be implemented :joy:
However, my argument was that too many presses of the physical power button may lead to failure of the button…
We’ll see what happens


Kindly post any further watchdroid questions in the watchdroid thread . Thanks


I switch off the watch when going to bed, and then place the watch on the charger. Admins tell us not to leave them on the charger after they are full though, so it’s not an advice to do like me.
I have an USB Power Meter with switch off after ended charging on it’s (long lasting) way from China, which I will utilize to avoid that situation.

Saw these pictures shared on Facebook. I wonder if the contacts can short if the charger is mounted a bit offset :grimacing:

This looks more like the wrong cable (reverse polarity) was being used for charging.


lol, crazy photos…!!
Have not seen anything like this before…

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Yes, that’s possible…
Still… Incredible. :+1:

If you fight the magnets I think you can do this, reverse polarity…
Some would do anything to publish crazy pictures.

no need to fight the magnets, it could be just the cable from another watch


There are apps for that - Sleep as Android and HeartOnTop. Both link to Google Fit. But I use one of my other FA watches for sleeping.

Good point. Comparing with my cable, I see that his cable has an extra hollow here, so I think indeed he must have had more cables and picked a wrong one. Let that be a lesson to us all :grimacing:

Actually, that wasn’t my question…

Do shut down the watch to charge or is it running during the charge cycle/all night?

Like Mr Ticks…I mark all my cables with simple address labels. Helps when you have many watches and their cradles/cables.


Ok, will try…
But sleeping with that monster, I don’t think it’s an option!

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LOL…no, that’s like sleeping with laptop taped to your arm…


It is running but screen is off.

BTW, I found a metal bracelet that is precisely adjustable and fits perfectly on my wrist and it makes the Prime 2 much more comfortable to wear!
It also makes removing the watch infinitely easier…

It was not easy to find one that fits my wrist because 26mm bracelets imply an enormous wrist and even with 6 removable links (The maximum…) they are often too long.
Worse, when the length is almost ok few bracelets offer a fine tuning.
Luckily the one I got offers 3 thirds of a link final adjustment so it’s perfect…

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It didn’t happen if there is no picture :crazy_face: