I know this topic is old, but I came here because my Prime was having external speaker issues. Sprayed the keyboard cleaner air can in the speaker hole to no effect. But when I took off the back cover and sprayed in the hole for the speaker on the inside it seemed to clear it up. I also cleaned around in there for any dust buildup and it is doing fine. Just thought I would mention in case anyone else was running into this issue still.
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Whats were your issues with the prime speaker ? Thanks
Sound was cracking and you could barely hear the conversation. It got so bad that I could only use the watch with bluetooth until I cleaned it out.
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I used a hot sewing needle and made a VERY TINY hole in the sim cover door. Never had any problems with speaker level since.
I would not recommend this procedure for everyone. But for users who have these problems with the SIM tray closed and do not wear their watch while exercising, this can be worth a thought.
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Good point! First try it without the sim cover to see it that solves the problem. If the hole is small enough it will barely breach water tightness (surface tension of water). It is also easy to fill it up again