Kospet Ambient Touch A100 UL

Made this for my Kospet Prime ( two versions with different hands ) . Works with and without UL . All three icons are animated and open apps when you touch them :+1:

Made to work with three apps ( whatsapp , Myrunningapp and google assistant ) . Make sure these are installed for these to work .

Thanks to @SmartWatch_Ticks for donating a set of the hands ( about 2-3 years ago :wink: ) .


Download -

I have noticed randomly on one version the minute hand can look hazy ? But not always . Feel free to alter and mess around with this .

Dont forget you will need @Eric_Crochemore universal launcher for this to work

Or use this without UL





Way cool baby! LOVE THAT DISPLAY!!! (and the face too THANK YOU!) I have much to learn now!

                 PRO                versus                  PRIME


Glad you liked it . Great fun to do . Its pretty easy once you have done one


Terrific, Tim - Now, what’s your verdict on the Kospet Prime? Too bulky?

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To be honest . If you are buying one get ready for the best watch out at the moment . Its amazing . Definately not too bulky . I’m struggling to find a fault . Thanks


can we change this in other smartwatch
like my watch thor 4 pro

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What do you mean change it ? If you mean swop apps - images etc of course you can . Only some of the new watches use " array 100 " which enables touch screen clockskins . Try it in your watch with UL and it will work okay on your thor 4 pro . Thanks

yes bro using ul launcher
and its grate

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Good news . Enjoy . …

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Apologies . Hour hand now working correctly with UL . WFD elastic movement not working with UL . :+1:

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