I was thinking about getting a KC08, I currently have an Lemfo Lem16 but I wanted a base firmware that wasn’t as annoying.
Is the KC08 the same as the Kospet Hope Lite hardware wise?
Thank you.
I was thinking about getting a KC08, I currently have an Lemfo Lem16 but I wanted a base firmware that wasn’t as annoying.
Is the KC08 the same as the Kospet Hope Lite hardware wise?
Thank you.
Hi it is the same as the Kospet Hope and a great watch running A7.1.1
Although i had the original watch i re-bought one for £ 40
Brilliant value with good firmware
Thank you! Any suggested apps? I know you’re an expert so I would love to mimic your setup
Its a personal choice really. I always use most of the google apps with my favourite running app
And most important of all " watchdroid "
I have a KC08 on the way now, thank you. Just trying to track an Optimus 2 they’re out of stock
I found a few watches that spec out the same as the Optimus 2 on Ali express. The sellers don’t call them Optimus two though.
Got a link or two?
I don’t know or vouch for the sellers but here are a few:
My KC08 arrives today. Do I just update firmware through the watch or should I flash it with a specific firmware?
You might have a look if there is an update available on the watch. If not there is no need to flash any firmware as long you don’t have any problems.
But you should perform a factory reset before you start using it.
Oh dear the thing appears to be “Mad Gaze” branded and they took the KC08 base and added some sort of experimental gestures
EDIT: I did decide to flash the Kospet Hope lite firmware. Working better now.
Myself and @G1NT0N1C also bought the Madgaze version with no issues.