Just finished - my new BOMBERG BOLT-68 Blue "no-bezel" clockskin :) Original design by

Just finished - my new BOMBERG BOLT-68 Blue “no-bezel” clockskin :slight_smile:

Original design by BOMBERG: https://www.bomberg.ch/catalogue/bolt-68-14/
Clockskin Design & modifications by Maik Dahles (MD…Sign)

  • original hour, minute & second hands with background-fitting shadows
  • upper “window” shows 24hour time with rotating ring in background
  • additional & not original lower “window” shows the date
  • small battery level indicator in 12 o´clock position element
  • no bezel due to the size of the watchface

Download here: http://www.watchawear.com/android-watch-faces/x-x-family/download/32-x-xplus-family/8883-bomberg-bolt-68-blue-md-sign.html

Hope you like it :slight_smile: See credits.txt in zip-file!

//Update: Bigger battery level numbers :slight_smile:

Have fun!


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Thanx man! Very original design this Bomberg. And you added just enough indicators. I’m always looking for a date and battery indicator. Perfect.

@Ronald_Jansen Thanks - glad you like it :slight_smile: There surely are some places for more indicators like Month, Weekday etc. but as you say - sometimes less is more… :wink: And yes - Bomberg has some very cool & unique watches. Hope I can afford one of them somewhere in the future… :smiley:

Exactly. Who cares about moon phase for example. What am I, a werewolf?? hahaha

@Ronald_Jansen Muahaha - very good point! :smiley: My GPS is always off - so moonphases, temperature and weather are somehow useless for me, as they don´t update constantly. Or is there anyone out there, who uses these energy consuming functions?

nice work, thank`s

//Update: Bigger battery level numbers :slight_smile:
missing/deleted image from Google+