Just another fun watch based on the all-time classic PACMAN.

Just another fun watch based on the all-time classic PACMAN.

Build from scratch using Watchface Designer 0.7.2, MS Paint (and Google) :wink:

Used ‘Blinky’ (the red one) as the minute hand and ‘Inky’ (the blue one) as the hour hand.
Mr. Pacman is the second hand.
Mrs. Pacman is in there just for the looks. :wink:

Download: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3tgeBO1P6rVNkVibTZUSmxJSWs
Credits: http://www.namco.co.jp/



Gr8 work.Pls send a link to downlaod pacman skin

@Prem_Singh The link is already in the topic. See ‘Download:’

oh yes .Thanks

@Bert_van_de_Bovenkamp Thank you this face brings back so many memories from when I was a kid it looks great on my Zeblaze Thor Pro. Thank you.

it looks great, n i so excited to download it on my LEMFO LEM7, but unfortunatelyit cant work. and i have no idea, why it cant work. did anyone have any suggestion?

O link está invalido, não dá para realizar o Download

Foi postado em 2017… o link não está mais disponível. Por favor, use o inglês ao postar! …

It was posted in 2017…the link is no longer available. Please use English when posting. Cheers, Doons