IN NEED OF HELP ASAP. I just got my new Zeblaze Thor 4 Dual downloaded several watch faces with no problem I just downloaded a watch face from Cerebral Flex File name MFMFinal and after I refreshed the faces and scrolled to his watch face selected the watch face and the watch flickered and a blue arrow came up spinning now I can’t get into the watch to the file manager to delete this face I held down the power button for 10 seconds to restart the watch when the watch crashes like it says in the book that came with it and it still isn’t letting me do anything can some one help me? Thank you for your time.
i Got the same probleme with my lemfo lem8 2 times and the prbleme was fixed alone juste waiting a few minute and then the Watch faces refrech and work again
Cerebral Flex…breaking smartwatches since 2017
The skin needs the newest version of Universal Launcher mate, without it the OS hasn’t a clue what to do with the animations, thus your spinning arrow. Your best bet is a factory reset to remove the skin from your watch. If a skin is posted to the Universal Launcher section, I would recommend you don’t ask the stock launcher to try display it. Have you tried the watchmaker version…I mean, why not huh?
@Cerebral_Flex I can’t get into the watch settings to do a factory reset
Try clearing the eMMC. See if the button combination in this video yields the same results? If not try other combinations. All failing find the SPF files and flash your firmware again via SP Flash Tool.
@Cerebral_Flex with a lot of determination and persistence I was able to get into the settings and did a factory restore I just didn’t understand I have downloaded several of Cerebral Flex watch faces on my Zeblaze Thor Pro and have added a few of them onto my Zeblaze Thor 4 Dual with no problem and when I saw that this community was still open I downloaded a few more and this was the first watch face that gave me trouble all is good and if their was info in the description about the launcher version if their was I missed it but for sure I will be extra careful next time. Thank you all for your help I love my Zeblaze Thor 4 Dual and was getting very upset that it would no longer work after only having it for lest than a month. I can’t wait for someone else opening up another watch face community. To all watch face makers your all great at what you do you all do amazing work and I thank you all for everything you do here.
@Kevin_Stueber the community will move to a new place. Nearly finished. Be patient.
If this happens again, the easiest fix (provided WiFi is on) is to go into your Google account from another device/PC and erase the device from there.
For me… Next time install floating shortcut. Then install es file explorer… Then in that floating shortcut either you create shortcut the es file or you create from built in file explorer. Then after the malfunction clockskin arise. You can easily delete the malfunction file from clockskin file.
Kevin.I had exactly the same problem with my Zeblaze Thor4 Pro.Also with a certain kind of watchfce witch i installed and tried to open, installed NEXT LAUNCHER allready.I tried everything that you also described to reccover the watch,but none of them worked for me.Then i mailed the Zeblaze helpcentre and described my problem.The only fix was to install the firmware again.within there mail the added the newest firnware and a description how to install http://it.It takes some time but i managed to get my watch working http://again.So if you have questions how to contact Zeblaze helpcentre or anything als,just let me know,and i will try too help you.
Kevin and Eduard,
I am having today the same problem as both of you with the Thor 4 pro.
Nice watch but i am upset with this issue.
Eduard can you please provide me information how to contact zeblaze helpcentre?
Thank you in advance…
mail zeblaze help centre is:
I am surprised that you go to Zeblaze for help with this.
You can fix it by flashing the stock firmware again - which is here or on our other site
It is not a problem with the watch.
The stock built in user interface can work with around 85% of watch faces.
All the remaining faces need to be used with the Universal Launcher.
The launcher is also on the site: