IMEI doesnt show the Lemfo lem7

After buying my smartwatch(swatch) lemfo lem7 i got a problem that its has not relation to maintenancing.
The problem comes when i want to register it in my country(Iran) to let me make calls or sending messages or using internet of my sim card but when they try to register it by entering the IMEI number , it says us that this imei is not belong to a smartwatch and its belong to a cellphone Xiaomi mi 4 and also the depth of disaster is that the IEMI says that this cellphone has two sim slot so it needs even two imei for registering , so they stop registering this smartwatch because of privacy policy , terms & conditions because they say when we want to register this imei of this smartwatch in mobile networks the imei should show us the name of product that its lemfo lem7 not a cellphone.
Here i am and tried alot to speak with them but they said we cant do that because its out of privacy policy and for a help they said me that i never can register it because the smart watch has just 1 imei but that cellphone has 2 imei so its even more impossible to register it.
Im thinking maybe it was very better if the company seller could let me know abt the imei issue that its not belong to the smartwatch and its belong to a xiaomi mi 4 cellphone.
Now im here to listen to the replys from everyone that can help me out for solving this problem and im ready to send the smartwatch back to the company because im fully disappointed and you can refund my money.i used this smartwatch just a few times on my hand i never i could use it after they didnt register it because of the problems that i said above.
I feel like im in a deadlock.
Please help me out to finish this.
Thank you so much