I'm hoping to buy a smart watch and can't decide on the kw88 or

I’m hoping to buy a smart watch and can’t decide on the kw88 or Dm368 my deal breaker is customisation and capable to forward calls and SMS… Thanks :wink:

@Huawa_Tuam just realised there is a lemfo lf16 I’m like a kid in a candy store going to see the dentist :laughing:

I understand you need something for sms and calls forwarding, most of all. If so, based on the current feedbacks from KW88 owners, I would rather go for the DM368.
The KW88 recieved an OTA cca a month ago and now it seems you can’t call through the watch using the mobile phone.

Please take this as my personal conclusion only. I don’t have current info about DM368 and calls forwarding. They just advertise it does it.
Moreover, I suppose someone may find a way to flash the KW88 to an older version, which supported watch to phone calls.

For notifications only, they should work both the same

@Michal_Kuti was thinking the same and memory size ram… And the easy to insert sim… But now I saw the lemfo lf16 I’m back to a dilemma. Thanks :wink:

@Trayl_Zee If it’s now between the LF16 and DM368… if you google it, they are the same model, just a different naming :slight_smile:

There may be slight differences, I would recommend watching the full video and checking

I own a kw88 and well it’s the worst smartwatch I have. Looks good but if you want watch faces and stuff forget it.

I struggled too, the extra memory of the DM368 was the decider for me personally, figure it makes it just a little bit more of an “ipod on the wrist” for music. But the 400x400 amoled on both looks so sweet in the review videos

@1078_Garage and how is the watch so far… It’s for my dad and his fussy

In transit from Gearbest China now Trayl, hope to have hands on in next week or so :slight_smile: Very keen to see if the GPS results match SmartWatch Ticks too.


Chinese standalone watches (watches with SIM) do NOT work well as extension of your phone. Bluetooth connection to your phone is very unreliable and disconnects often and easily. So if you’re fussy and you think that your watch should be an extension for your phone is key functionality, then don’t buy a Chinese smartwatch, you will be sorely disappointed.
Instead, invest more money to buy an Android Wear watch.

@Ronald_Jansen your so so right mate. I’ve gone back to my hauwei watch. My kw88 would lose Bluetooth connectivity randomly and is next to useless without a SIM card. I just love the way I can take or make a phone call on my hauwei watch and the speaker is very good. I would never buy another cheap android watch and I have 4 smart watches. One day they will get the software right but until then I’m sticking with android wear.

@Lokifish_Marz really? I have an X5 watch, but I already lose BT connection when I’m reaching for something with my left (watch)arm and I have my phone in my right pocket… I haven’t tried it on my X5+ watch though, maybe I’ll give it a try then.

@Huawa_Tuam Why not?
Which model is best in this subject?
For me as companion kw88 is bettter than no.1 D5 and Finow!

The Dm368 is the most popular one according to YouTube comments.

If you like watchfaces you don’t want the kw88.

@Ronald_Jansen yep you right there are bricking after trying to load a face :pensive:.

@Lokifish_Marz clarification at its best… You are so right :arrow_right_hook: most of the critics got the other expensive smart watches when the Dm LF and the rest are better. The customisation makes them for better. Thanks :wink: