If there are no custom clockface apps for the KW88 (and 5.1 friends),


Your apk is the only works on zeblaze blitz

You are the best!!!

@Kenneth_Tan The watch face runs lovely now. Nice development.
Spend some cash to buy Tasker and all works fine now. Thanks for your assistance.Have to learn more about Tasker now, seems to be a great app…

@Kenneth_Tan ​ …what will be your next whatchface???

@Fabio As I said, I’m not designing a watchface, I’m building a custom watchface framework so you and all the others can use ANY watchface available for Android Wear on these Android (standard) watches.
That is the only thing I’m working on.
I only stepped in a big pile of trouble for not mentioning the designers in this post.
If you have an interesting other WF, (and I have permission to use it as a testcase) you’re welcome to suggest it.

Until further notice I’ve removed the APK on request of the artists.
I hope in the future we could get the authorization to publish it again.

For the time being, take a look at this watchface

Good morning @tim_Collins
Yes it’s possible to convert them. I guess as good as all of them. But I will only do it with explicit concent of the designer of it.