I want to wish all the people who make this group possible a Happy

I want to wish all the people who make this group possible a Happy Holidays.

Enjoy the Christmas diner and don’t go crazy on the eggnog.

A special thanks to Eric Crochemore and Marco Ferreira for making the launcher and the Watchface Designer tooling.
Also the moderators for keeping this group clean.
And last but not least all the fellow watchface makers for posting there work.

Greetings from Holland

Santa Bert :wink:


Merry Christmas, Hungary, Isaszeg

merry humbug all :slight_smile:

Happy Holidays!! :christmas_tree::christmas_tree::christmas_tree:from Chicago, IL

Merry Christmas!! :champagne::clinking_glasses::christmas_tree: From Holland

Thank you, and a very merry Christmas, from Portugal.

Download link (for those who wish it): http://bit.ly/2T8Yagq

@Bert_van_de_Bovenkamp and everyone - thank you very much :slight_smile:

Happy Holidays to you all from RASC :slight_smile:

Merry Christmas all…

Same from me… Merry X-mas and best wishes !

Hope everyone’s X_MAS is a fab one !