I want to ask if anyone know of 400x400 watch skins for the IQI

I want to ask if anyone know of 400x400 watch skins for the IQI I4 ?
So far everyone I’ve trid has been too small or doesn’t work at all. I heard if it works on the KW88 it will work on the I4. Oh contrare. I’ve tried and crashed my I4 several times. Real close to bricking.
Anyway most of the clockskins on the I4 are “not much to look at” and I wonder why they even wasted time & memory to load them in, if u ask me. Though the moon face is the one I use I’m looking for clean faces with battery, heart, steps.
Anyway I want to load them in as skins not freakin apps u have to open to get the faces. That’s usless.
Thnks people I hope u can help me.

All CSM supported skins 400 x400 resolution. You can from here download. So all of our skins working in Iqi.