I found pictures of these watches but couldn't find out much else...

I found pictures of these watches but couldn’t find out much else… I don’t think that they are still in production - although there are plenty of other Triumph watches available :slight_smile:

I’ve made three versions of the “Triumph 3019”… black & orange, black & yellow and black & white… the Company made many other versions, including one in pale blue…

Rather than copying a picture of a watch I enjoy making them from scratch… which is why they look a little different… and I can also add bits that will work on our watches - like battery power and 24 hr clock…

My “Triumph 3019” have:

  • hours, minutes and seconds hands
  • battery power dial
  • 24 hour dial
  • day dial
  • day date

This watchskin is available by making a donation and don’t forget to put “Triumph 3019” and the colour(s) in the subject/reference…