I can't get any clockskins on my No.1 D5... I'm extremely frustrated.

Does CSM have faces already, or it’s strictly for designing?

It has many faces… the ones that are already on your D5… but you can modify (mod) them… eg interchange the hands and faces… and design your own unique creation… :slight_smile:

@Alex_Nash Left click on my name and scroll down through the posts… you should find something interesting :slight_smile:

It’s not working!!!

I may have removed one of the default skins.

@Alex_Nash If you tell me exactly what you’ve been doing I:ll see if I can spot the problem… and try to offer a solution :slight_smile:

I’ve pluggedin the usb & turned on the usb. Dropped the clockskin folder from my desktop into the watch. Restarted the D5 & I dont see the new skins. Files are .WATCH

And there’s your problem. The watches in this group does not support “.WATCH” files. Use the ones from this group. “.WATCH” is for android wear

Oops… and a BIG oops!
You do not have an Android Wear watch… and I think that you are loading Android Wear watchskins onto your watch?
Try following the tips I’ve already talked about in this thread… and try to download one of the custom skins from this site to see if you have better results…

@Andrew Davis I’ve followed all your suggested step’s… noting is happening. I’m so annoyed that I get something so simple done.

It CAN be done… you just have to work out how… and I hope that you’ve stopped trying to directly load Facer, Facerepro and Watchaware skins… :slight_smile:

I haven’t been using Facer & any other apps… CSM only sees the preloaded skins but can’t upload new .png skins!!!

Have you tried to download a skin from this site?

Yes… rolex skin!

Then if you follow all the steps correctly you won’t have a problem…

Tell me exactly what you’ve been doing and I’ll try to get to the bottom of the problem…

Do you still need advice and assistance?

I’m still going to need assistance… maybe we could do a remote access sometime in the near future… because everything you have mentioned is super clear but it’s not syncing with the watch. I really appreciate your patience & time! I feel like the village (group) idiot.

Hmmm… here’s a problem that I have and it’s currently stopping me from downloading skins… on my charging dock one of the pins (pogo pins) is stuck in the retracted position… the other three pop back up as they should… I can charge my watch but my computer can’t detect my watch (so no downloads)… how does your dock look?

that sucks… did you try to contact No.1? My dock is working fine just doesn’t load as a skin!