HW_OPUS12 Hey Guys... Check this out,


Hey Guys…
Check this out, my CF inspired from Harry Winston - OPUS12 with some modifications.

Not as sophisticated as the original version due to the limitation of the clock engine. (Maybe someone here knows the trick to apply the original concept)

Download Link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_0BU-SQ8wmMd0ViSnpvUVJ6YVE

Preview: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_0BU-SQ8wmMOTVRVTZPdUNBSEU

Grab it and hopefully could entertain you… :slight_smile:

Original design: http://www.harrywinston.com/en/opus-12.html


Dreaming to make CF look like similar with original one, awesome design!!! But finally give up because couldn’t find the trick… Tried my best already… thank you @Andrew_Davis ​, learnt ticking hand and many other tricks from you :slight_smile:

Excellent work… that really is very nice :slight_smile:

Good work! Thanks You!

Looks great on my D5…

@Sher_Akiloff , glad to hear that. @Andrew_Davis , do you have any trick to make it perfect, like the original one? I tried many possibilities already but couldn’t figure out the way. In this case I need a trick to tick the hour and minute hand without masking each other, if it is possible then all the original function could be applied… please your suggestions… :slight_smile:

@Febri_Iswanto it really is a great piece of work… the detail of the tiny turning cogs (every 5 seconds) is poetry…

@Febri_Iswanto , Just wonderful. No words to describe the work that you done here. Note 1000.

@Sergio_Paulo1 thank you… :slight_smile:

It´s fantastic, great work…

Hello Febri, would you mind if I try some ideas with this?

@WOLFDADDY-O ​ of course you are welcomed, as I mentioned earlier I given up to find the trick of the original movements. Maybe you or someone else has awesome ideas to improve it, will be great… then I am curious to see the result!!! Just let us know… :slight_smile:

OK, thank you! You have done some awesome work with this already, and have implicated some extremely clever ideas. I will post a revision of the watch here soon and of course mention your awesome work and effort. Thank you for bringing this to us! Truly one of my favorites as well. :slight_smile: