How to flash smartwatch mtk65XX

In this video you’ll learn how to flash your watch with the stock firmware of your watch.

just follow the instructions and the whole process should’nt be more than 5 minutes.

Can i flash my finow x5+ firmware from this forum with spflashtool with another version? So i choose download only without preloader tick? It’s a downgrade since the newest link didnt wotk

Mar 31, 2018 15:28:16 GMT 1 maxilimian said:
Can i flash my finow x5+ firmware from this forum with spflashtool with another version? So i choose download only without preloader tick? It's a downgrade since the newest link didnt wotk

you can only download firmware which suits your watch and preloader should be marked even if you only upgrade FW. does'nt metter if it is older verion or new preloader should be marked if the firmware is for your model. be careful there are 2 models. w616 and w618.