Guys, I tried to look into this, but I couldn’t find anything. How to custom watch faces on H1?
Mar 22, 2018 21:15:30 GMT 1 thorakna said:
Guys, I tried to look into this, but I couldn't find anything. How to custom watch faces on H1?
have you tried Eric's launcher? i think with it on the H1 you can upload custom watchfaces. the problem the developer and none the other developers do'nt have this watch so we can't much help. it is just different firmware.
already tried Eric’s launcher on H1, custom watch faces goes blank, or perhaps … i just don’t know how to use it
(Build number H1-2018 0122 135551)
paired with ASUS_Z010D, developer option enabled
FunFit installed, runs flawlessly
super MTK engineering installed, runs flawlessly
having the same problem, no custom watch faces