How develop an app that has access to the Sensors:

How develop an app that has access to the Sensors:

All information you need are in firmware. So unpack your firmware using Cygwin and kitchen:

  1. How to setting up Cygwin and kitchen:
  2. Then load the system.img from your firmware to the original_update folder
  3. Choose “1. Set up working folder from Rom” and follow introductions

Why we do that?
The idea was that the system apps also get access to the sensors. So now we search in the firmware for the systemapps.
The most interesting app is the EngineerMode.apk. You can find it at:


Now decompile the app using:

You get a zip Archive which contains the Sourcecode from the app. My first Test was to get access to the heartrate sensor. The *.java in the heartrate folder tell you how to do this :slight_smile:

Next Goal is to write an app that connects the sensors to the android standard interface. So that third party apps can get access to it.

But I’m actually really happy to know that it isn’t impossible to get access to the sensors and maybe someone other here also want o improve the watch by develop some apps.

This is a significant move in the right direction!! Congratulations and well done :+1::+1:

Does anybody know which licence the systemapps have? I can’t find anything and I use some code from the engineermode app in my app. I want to post my app to the community but don’t know if I can get in trouble if I do this.

It’s all open source so there should be no problem. There is an MTK sensor tool which is available on the web (I have a copy of it) so I think i’s ok maybe @Lokifish_Marz could give better advice ?