Hi there! I need more clock faces for my D5,

Hi there! I need more clock faces for my D5, please help me find it. I installed watchmaker premium but I cannot install its clock faces on my D5.

Oops… WatchMaker (premium) is for Android Wear watches… your D5 is NOT Android Wear…

Have a look in “Custom Faces”… and/or download “ClockSkinMaker” and make your own… :slight_smile:

And see the video from smartwatch ticks here : https://youtu.be/jp9gO7ZMwKE

Do you help me?
D5 is compatible to iPhone?and write sms text?

Excuse me but No.1 D5 is an android watch.

@Wenie_Vergara Hi… “Android Wear” is not he same as an “Android” watch… but I wish you luck with your WatchMaker Premium…