Hi, I have a lf16, when I enter into wireless update it says there’s a new version, but when I tap to update it, it says “invalid data from network” someone can help me?, sorry to put it in this section
No lo actualices. Con la actualizacion las esferas funcionan mal.
@Fernando_Garcia si? Que cambia con la actualización?
El gps va mas rapido, las notificaciones funcionan mejor pero las esferas se desencajan de la pantalla
missing/deleted image from Google+
Las esferas es con el swlauncher?,las esferas predeterminadas y las que se pueden descargar también van mal? @Fernando_Garcia
Ya he visto eso, cuales son las apps que van mal?
RoundCalc y RoundTimer van mal. Es como si el zoom fuera mal. Algun boton de la playstore…
mejor no actualizo entonces…
The update has changed the DPI - screen resolution. The company is working on a fix… So be glad you did not download it…
i have the same problem with dm368 what is the matter with these watches ? what is the fix for this ? is there another way to update the watch ?
Go over to the technical forum and go to the firmware download for the Blitz. That will link you to the firmware storage facility. I have put new firmware there for your watch dated 03.03.2017.
I just haven’t had time to make an official post yet.
Please make sure you read up on which firmware version you need. If you have HEHUI in your firmware version, make sure you use the correct package. Read up the guides about flashing so you know what you’re doing
you said firmware for Blitz but iam using dm368 is it suitable for it ?
We have both
Just check out the firmware repository and you will find it.
I used the blitz link as it takes you to all the firmware - hopefully. Let me know if you have problems
@Pablo_Eleven_Pablo11 plz send us a link
Please read all the guides before you do this and make sure you use the correct version. HEHUI or not. You just need to create an account on our site and then come back and click on this link (go over and create the account first and then come back and click on this - it will take you directly to the firmware.):
If you cannot find the firmware - I strongly suggest you don’t flash your watch.