Hi everybody, which is the sofware you use to create faces?

Hi everybody, which is the sofware you use to create faces?

I am personally using a combo of PS and CSM. Still learning, tho, so my work is going slow.

WFD is a good tool to use.

And It’s also possible to do it without tools in HTML

@G1NT0N1C XML not HTML …

@Eric_Crochemore ups… You are right!

what I have to do to install CSM?

and what is WFD?

@mario_fusco For CSM, just Google it, find the download link, download the version for your computer and install. I believe WFD is Watch Face Designer. Much like Mr. Time, it is primarily online or downloadable app, no Windows or mac specific version. Mr Time is also almost exclusively for Wear OS, not Android, whereas WFD is more flexible. It uses a ‘.watch’ extension which can be renamed to a zip, extracted and often ported into CSM, with the right skills.

actually, WFD exports directly to clockskin, so no extra skill is needed. It can also export to .watch, though that feature is still experimental.

@Marco_Ferreira Thank you for the correction. I am still trying to learn CSM and haven’t even touched WFD. I knew what it was, but not what it is capable of. I might have been thinking of another program. I believe there is one capable of doing watch faces for both Wear OS and full Android. I just wish we could bring interactivity into watch faces like complications and hot swapping functions/face colours.

I know Wear OS does that, but this isn’t a Wear OS forum.