Hi All Just in case you you have started imagining that I have nothing

Hi All

Just in case you you have started imagining that I have nothing better to do, I actually have a proper job - but I have been reluctantly confined to a sick-bed, and have a new watch - so have gone down the rabbit hole of making watch faces. It probably wont last…

Tony Devey, you obviously like Omegas, so here is the Speedmaster you posted a request for.

Full credit to the designers at Omega for another pretty watch:

To tell you the truth, I got sucked in by the challenge of creating the segmented digital display, which uses a clever stylized font shape. It took a bit of head scratching to work out the shape for the ‘4’.

On my display we have repeated digital time at the top and day, month (number) , year and battery percentage at the bottom. The Blue circle is crying out for something useful to be put in it as well, which may still happen…

It is a shame that the digital displays cant be interactive with this clock engine…it would be really cool to have a working stopwatch, for instance.

Download, called OmegaSpeedmaster at:



You can watch a movies on YouTube where 4 and also 6 digits are visible. Use omega skywalker x-33 for searching - it uses the same font.
Btw. Very nice watch face. Good work!

Very very very nice

Really nice background effect good for adding depth ,nice digital numbers good job :grin:

Very good work! Thank you!

+Christian Carver A fantastic Clockskin you have created, thank you very much, I hope your confinement to a sick bed is short and your recovery is OK, thanks again.

@Christian_Carver ​ excellent job :+1::+1:

I don’t know exactly how to unzip this kind of file… It’s not a .zip file…
I can’t copy to the Clockskin carpet… Mmmmh

But is a wonderful watchface, Mr. Carver!

@Marco_Otero Its 7z file, you can extract with 7zip, winrar, winzip, total commander…

O. K. I’ll try. :crossed_fingers:

Excellent work! Thank you so much!

@Christian_Carver I made a vector file of segment display for this watch, I could send you. In a circle, it is a nice place for weather.
like as this version. I made my version based on this.