Hey guys my first CSM effort,

Hey guys my first CSM effort, wanted to do a bright and clean simple hour and minute Nixie face. Learned a lot about arrays and the basics now for bigger things :slight_smile:

I don’t currently have a smartwatch so any usability feedback appreciated; this can be easily modified to include steps, battery or seconds, just a question of how crowded it all gets. Thanks guys. (The Nixie .pngs sourced from Wikiimedia commons, original image author Hellbus, modified by me.)

Download: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/cgioo4a091p4lr2/AAAbVWkNNArqdb9hpobntVbPa?dl=0


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Simple and clean

Would look good as a “Traffic Light” style array too… hours, minutes and seconds in red, amber and green… :slight_smile:

Thabks guys!