Hey Guys, I have a Kingwear KW88, I changed the display resolution and now I can’t access the content of the phone. is there a way to hard reset the watch ? what can I do ?
In settings there is an option to reset the device
Flashing KW88. Can step-by-step look at the forum 4PDA.
@J.A_Nieto Unfortunately I cant access the setting, everything is so messed up after changing the resolution. I literary cant see anything.
@Andrew_Orlov Hey Andrew, thank you for your reply. you seem to have had the same issue. have you resolved the issue ? where can I have access to forum 4PDA ?
Hi. It worked for me. Watch works without problems. The entrance to the site http://4pda.ru. Further Kingwear KW88 - Discussion. In the header there are all the necessary links to programs and instruction.
@Andrew_Orlov Thanks again Andrew. it seems to be all in Russian and google translate is not helping much. Not sure if it would be asking too much if I ask to write them down here, so others can use it too ? It would be greatly appreciated.