Hello On IQI i2 how to remove the digital clock when gesture to power

On IQI i2 how to remove the digital clock when gesture to power on?


You need my launcher if you want to see the face and not this clock.

Sorry. Just installed 1.1.8 and still have the digital clock when wake up

Turn it off on the system setting and on on my launcher.

Hello Eric. Sorry but where is the setting in your launcher and disable where? Sorry and thanks

Hi Eric again.Thats the clock that im saying.How can i disable that ?

missing/deleted image from Google+

This one
missing/deleted image from Google+

Should restart? it appears all the time. and in yous launcher what should i do? Thanks again and sorry

No need to restart just enable it on my launcher (in blue when enable).

just did and stills appearing… there are 2 options the stock and your launcher?

ohhh i understand now. i remove the gesture and i have always to push the button to wake up? no other way just like knock the screen ?

In your settings open Taishou gesture and disable it.

Taishou?? dont have that option…

Eric can you helpme please? Thanks

You should post on the proforum you’ve got more chance to find someone with your problem, i don’t know what more i could say.

Hi Eric.
Sorry again.Yourbersion 2.0 is awsome. Just one question. How can i put lisbon.portugal in launcher preferences? Thanks again

@paulo_saboeiro please use the forum. Settings are on the third page

Hi Eric, Just found how to do it. Just one question that i cannot see the answer. Whats the difference between Universal Launcher & Standalone App ? Sorry the question but the standalone is more compatible than the U.Launcher.
Thanks again

standalone is not a launcher, so only the clock with it.