Hello Newbie here. Would like to make a post to share a few watchfaces


Newbie here.

Would like to make a post to share a few watchfaces I designed but am unsure of how to include links and photos.

Anyone help me out?


If you have finished your watchface, create a ZIP Folder on your Computer. Upload this ZIP on your google drive account. Copy the download link.
Then start a new post here. Upload a picture from your watchface. If you like you can write a little text about it. Then add your download link.
If your face based at a real watch, you have to link to the manufacturer website for the credits. If your face based on someone elses work, you need the permission to use this work.
At least you should choose a category and disable re-sharing. That’s it.

Please also read the Community description.

Thanks. I have read Community and will abide by rules but I should have been more specific about my query.

What I’m really asking is when i tried to include the download link I got what looked like an attachment rather than a hyperlink in the body of the message. Same for the photos. Is that just the way it looks when drafting the message and then when posted the link and photo shows up correctly or am I missing something??


@Barneyrfd I think it’s fine. Try it out, if something is wrong or does’nt work, you can delete your post and start a new try.