Hello, I'm new here.

Hello, I’m new here. I need to know how to download an application from my downloaded zip file to what I install on my watch. respectively through what program to do it. Thanks for the reply and I will be sorry for my English

If you have Mtk6580 watch.

Goto File manager ->create=> “clockskin” folder.

Inside clockskin folder Create another folder say “skin1”- example.

Inside Skin 1 unzip all your skin/watchface content it should be xml, jpg, gif files …

hello mam watch kingwear kw99 but i have seen this folder in the file system so i will try it for tip

So I tried and failed. I’d like to have a program that converts to apk. and then install it in my watch.

I have “Thor Pro”.
Some one using KW88/99 can help

Ok thank you and thank you for your effort

@Jiri_Matejka it is all explained on our YouTube video. For some reason no-one checks our community description that has all our information and links.
