Hello everyone, can anyone help me to make this watch face like this :),

Hello everyone, can anyone help me to make this watch face like this :), this is the Glance Plus application on google play, can you help me Mon = Th 2,Tue = Th 3,… Sat = th 7, and sun = CN. Month : thg 1 , thg 2,… Thg 12. Thank you very much: D


missing/deleted image from Google+

The XML file for Watchface Designer is here;

Feel free to use and modify it.

The date at the left is there only for testing

@Bert_van_de_Bovenkamp thanks, but when i open it, i see the error :frowning:
missing/deleted image from Google+

Just select a different font for the weekday/day/month and you’re fine.
I probably used a font that you don’t have.