Hello, dear bunch. Can anyone of you take the trouble to make such a

Hello, dear bunch. Can anyone of you take the trouble to make such a watch face Lorus (photo :-)) for Universal Launcher New Gen? Greetings to all.

UP…? Someone something?

@Przemo_P i am working on it !!!

Thank you. I really feel happy. Greetings and good luck.

@Przemo_P Here you go!!!
I hope you like it. :wink:


Thanks a lot … It’s perfect. You’re the best! Regards.

@Przemo_P Thanks :slight_smile:

Hey bricky vl.

I have one more request for you - please insert a shield version with no glass effect in the upper left part. I want to see which option suits me. Thanks.

@Przemo_P That is oke !!!
I will give you the link tonight when i am at home :slight_smile:

@Przemo_P Here you go!!!