Hello! Could you make watchfaces hours are in the pictures. Thanks in advance.

Hello! Could you make watchfaces hours are in the pictures. Thanks in advance. Here is a link to one of these hours http://www.dsf.my/2016/04/casio-edifice-partners-with-f1-team-scuderia-toro-rosso/

The blue globe Edition looking good… :slight_smile:

@Seet_Robin ow ow :smiley: I dont know edifices like gshocks but this is the one like this ?https://plus.google.com/106054037251725195034/posts/BrKAhEM769f

If any previously published Wear faces are copied and posted here - you need permission from the original designer @Djallel_Benmdjahed and @makula

@Pablo_Eleven_Pablo11 ah sorry mate , original designer Joaquim is a friend of mine and ı m not even a member of this community hence I dont know the rules …there is shout call from my friend @Seet_Robin and I reply … that s it… sorry for inconvenience … feel free to remove my posts…best wishes…

@makula hey - it’s all good. Just pointing it out so we don’t have any more agro on the site :slight_smile:

@Pablo_Eleven_Pablo11 no harm done… no offence at my side :slight_smile: I know pretty closely watchface communitys are fragile communities ( some creativity involved about that is ) and things are quickly escalating with some nonsense :slight_smile: not on my side and I write the comment with honestly… not in sarcastic way

yes - I agree. We have been verbally attacked a few weeks ago for a member using a face designed by someone else for Android Wear. The thread got up to around 70 posts with designers from all over the place jumping in and flaming this member. It can get quite nasty :frowning:

@makula can u consider creating the blue globe version above? Everyone will jump for joy! :slight_smile:

@Pablo_Eleven_Pablo11 I know these situations :slight_smile: happens everywhere … drama all the way … and there is saying whatucallit idiom or wisdom word here in my country " big battles in small waters or for small waters " :slight_smile: nonsense though :slight_smile: anyway I read the rules and as I see or understand this community is about watchfaces about less known brands or better say custom Rom watches that I have no knowlege about them .and dear @Seet_Robin these days are a bit of hectic days and you know me I m not constant ongoing machinelike watchmaker like veterans over there … when I have time I ll gladly make this … but ı suspect it will work on the watches …and ı dont even know what format is a clockskin :slight_smile: best wishes to both of you Pablo and Seet

the link please

@Fabio link to what?

For the watchface with globe for Universal Launcher

If you have tried searching for Casio edifice in the search box on the left side of this google plus page here and it’s not there - then we don’t have it.