Gostaria de tirar uma dúvida, encontrei algumas faces na internet,

Gostaria de tirar uma dúvida, encontrei algumas faces na internet, e elas dizem que são para Android Wear, elas servem para o smartwatch Kw99?

I would like to ask a question, I found some faces on the internet, and they say they are for Android Wear, they are for the Kw99 smartwatch?

Be more specific, if that’s watchmaker faces then you can use my launcher to display them.

@Eric_Crochemore gostaria de ter as watchfaces do Android Wear, qual é o seu lançador, e como habilito ele no meu smartwatch?

I would like to have the Android Wear watchfaces, what is your launcher, and how do I enable it on my smartwatch?

@Luciano_T_Cardim Just click on my name and look YT channel or just google it…