Google Assistant on our Watch Bug or the end?

Since the begining i use Google Assistant on all my watchs to make calls or send sms but that dont work anymore : if i ask Google Assistant to call or sms to X ( contact or phone number ) he reply ’ for that you have to update the Google app ’ and redirect me to google app on play store where the app is up to date ! If i ask Assistant other things ( command light on my house, place a reminder, make a search… ) it’s ok, only call or sms dont work anymore. I encounter this bug on my old DM 101 ( stock firmware ) and a brand new X11 ( Android 8.1 ) that i’m testing. Have you the same problem or any idea ? Edit : have success vocal command ( call or sms ) with my Lemfo Lem 16 on Android 11, so the problem is really on old smartwatches Android 7.1 and 8.1.

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Have you enabled all permissions for this app and also allow background use

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Yes of course… And that’s working 2 months ago.

I know this app is a issue on A8.1 watches. I have seen this also

On Android 8.1 may be but on a DM 101 with Android 7.1 also… :sunglasses:

On my DM30 with Android 9.1 works fine. I’ve just tested.

Ok so may be it’s a question of Android version…

Yep, it’s a problem for older Android versions.


Thanks to confirm. Very annoying problem since 2 months, certainnly Google as made and update who break the function to place a call or sms by voice on our old products… :sleepy:


Yes, and just wait and see what they do with the play store in the next week or so…
Security is paramount now and Android is no exception.


I’m in contact with Google about this problem : they will do nothing because our products ( watchphones ) are not supported by them…

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I wonder, what’s the “security matter” on making a call or sending an sms for Android… :sweat_smile:


Apps accessing, voice calls, contacts or messages are considered to be a risk by Google.

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Lucky they didn’t block your account.
Google is outraged by these devices and we purposely don’t talk to them about their ecosystem being used on them.

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Seriously block the account ? ( Which is a professional account ) Google know that many item use their ecosystem, also some Chinese smartphones and TV Box, etc… :smile:

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Splendid… Nice work :+1:

How do you know all that stuff???
Do you have direct line with Google??

Just been around for a while I guess :joy:

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Of course they know.
Just don’t expect them to be interested in helping you because they don’t support the usage of their ecosystem on unlicensed and unsupported hardware.

In the very near future this is going to be very difficult as they begin to lock down the play store to be more like the Apple system.

And never forget, they didn’t spend a fortune developing WearOS just to let their own Play Services ecosystem become competitive against it.

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As you said : Apps accessing, voice calls, contacts or messages are considered to be a risk by Google, just remenber that the Google Assistant is a native App made by Google himself…The purpose of this post is just to say that Call and Sms with the assistant is no more possible with our items on Android 7 and 8, just trying to understand why and find a possible solution, not debate about Google ecosystem…