GMT Earth Watch Face

Hi I built a new Watch Face.
The Greubel Forsey GMT Earth.
All wheels work, just a little faster then original. Looks cooler that way.
The watch face requires Universal Launcher.


GMT%20Earth GMT-Earth


Looks great! Good job!

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AWESOME SAUCE! Thank you! : )

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Very nice work on this :watch: face

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I liked your watch face very much , I installed it on kopet hope but earth image & date is blank in face , please can you help me

This face needs Universal launcher. Thats why it’s posted in the section “Universal Launcher Faces”. If you want to use it, you have to instal UL. Otherwise there are a bunch of faces that runs without.

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Eye catching , beautiful !!! Excellent.
Thank you

You paid for a watch face? Never!! :slight_smile:

I thought it was free, but never mind I will pay , where and how much because your design is quite good. Keep it up buddy.
Warm regards Mehul

@mehul1 If there is a direct download link in the post, then it is free to download. Most designers that charge for some of their faces have to link outside for said faces. By the rules of the site, we are not allowed to request or demand payment for any faces posted here before one can download them. We can however post a face and direct them to our personal site where we can receive payment before download. However that has to be explicitly stated that that’s what the link is for. Al Rod did this on G+. Any faces that were free, he left the specific download on the site or you could download his whole free collection on his site(now displayed on mewe). As for his paid faces, he liked showing them off and linking to his site, where you can donate and receive access to his whole premium collection.

Note: If you really enjoy a designer’s work and wish to support their art, you are welcome to check their profile, follow one of their links to their personal site, or PM them for that information however it is forbidden to post that information in a topic.

Note 2: If you chose to support a designer, you do so voluntarily and of your own volition. You are neither expected or required to do so. Any faces posted on this site with a direct download link require no payment and can be freely downloaded. (However, redistribution on another site is also forbidden as well as alterations without permission)

@pablo11, @G1NT0N1C, @Eric_Crochemore …if I am out of line for saying this, you are welcome to flag or delete this, I was just trying to clarify the issue to @mehul1. As this post does have a download link, payment isn’t required, for the face or for UL.


If I find any watchfaces posted here that are being charged for and are not hosted as per our rules - the member who posted it will be banned.
.watch files are only allowed to be posted in the correct section and if they are designed by the member posting it and if they are free.
I am removing this.
@G1NT0N1C @EricCrochemore @Dr_Andy_Vishnu

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Blatant disregard for everything we stand for @A_Kinsella
It’s a sad day because people have been paying for it :frowning:

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I am new to this site, I have purchased Android watch few months back. Thank you for your reply and enlightening me. Sorry if I have hurt someone’s feeling. I really appreciate the work of the members who post free on this site.Thank you Nicholas and Pablo.
Warm regards Mehul


You have not hurt anyone’s feelings.
I am sad that you have paid for something here on this site.
We have a very strict policy that this is a FREE, sharing community where people can learn and produce work with their peers.
Charging for faces is absolutely not allowed.
I’m sorry I did not catch this earlier and you have paid for something that should be free :frowning:

The watch face was and again is for free. It never ment to be a payed watch face. The link temporary and by mistake was wrong. I confirm that during that error nobody downloaded and nobody payed money for the face. The link is fixed. It’s free.


Thanks for fixing it.

@Manu_J1 you should put something to that effect around the link, that this link brings you to a free face download. It’ll reduce further confusion on the issue. Linking to outside sites isn’t against the rules, but due to a MeWe issue, it was come to the conclusion that unless it’s known that it’s your personal site, if you link outside, you should explain where the link brings you and whether be it’s a free or paid face. (To the effect of this is from my free or premium collection. Click on the link to go to my download area/page.)

Ok, I’ll take this apology. Thanks
I hope you understand why I reacted the way I did.
It does bother me that you have to link to another website but as @Nicholas_Herczeg said above - if you clarify this a “download page” it would be better.

So - let’s move on and get back to normal.
I don’t want to see anymore “mistakes”.
Cheers and thanks for responding quickly @Manu_J1 :+1:

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thanks for new link if it leads to easy free download and good job team

@Manu_J1 I know I spent a bit of time complaining and explaining (hee hee, that rhymes), but I did want to say that, although I haven’t had a chance to download this face, it does look amazing. I’m going to have to download when I get my watch charger (hopefully in July.