Giant Forehead Mug Shot


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BBBbbbbwwwaaahhahahahahahaha! Awesome!

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@Edward Where on earth did you get that candid mugshot of @Louis_Peek? I mean, I knew he is a demon watch face designer…but who would have ever thought that he was a male model as well? :woozy_face::rofl: Seriously Edward, as Louis said, that is one awesome face mate! Cheers, Doons


It was the Lip Plate that inspired me!

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THAT was actually my mugshot!

Yes it was! I’ve never seen forehead that big!

@Louis_Peek Well your a braver man that I am Louis! If I had a mug like that (Instead of my movie star good looks :woozy_face::grin:) Well I wouldn’t own up to it like you did mate! Bravo Louis! :+1::rofl:Cheers Doons

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Actually, I am uglier than that.:ear::eye::nose::eye::hear_with_hearing_aid:

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