German mistranslation


does anyone has Contact to Sinsoft?

The Translation in the Pedometer “steps” is wrong in German… in German it says “treppe” but it should be “Schritte”

Can someone send this to Sinsoft

Wenn du die Schritte auf 'm treppe nimmst stimmt s ja wieder :wink:

When you taken the steps on the stair it’s correct :wink:

We don’t have contact to Sinsoftech ,we mail them and hope they read it and pray they answer it.
The mail address is here for everyone so find  Please click >>>>>link for searching

Then you get a lot of help …and can find nearly anything you want with this …takes a little time:

I also found

Contact details:
Phone: 18820255115 Lee 13,701,871,604 Sun
Fax: 021-54409907
Contact: Lee Sun
Address: Minhang District Wanyuan Road, Shanghai 2 Business Center, third floor

Hope you got the message, you’re welcome.

I wouldn’t mail them for such a “small” thing though
Translations are not easy ( even Google translate sometimes gets it wrong) and in time and updates it will get better ,it’s not a major crime…think you know what it means to say.