Was testing the Kronos Blade Genesis power save digital ambiant display and the screen is unresponsive now. I went into menu by pressing the top button and holding. Tapped power save mode and pressed cancel. I am in Ambient display. Digital only. (Does not actually stay on foreever)? Still goes blank making me hit top button to turn on? Why?
Anyway, Supposedly to get out of it, I press and hold the top button again, get sys menu and I am suppose to press cancel once again. However, now the screen is unresponsive. Nothing in the menu is responsive. I can not touch cance, I can not even power off, NOR reboot the watch. I AM STUCK. How do I get out of this and or reboot watch into regular mode?
Try what’s happens when you connect the watch to the computer. If this doesn’t work, let it run out of battery and charge again.
Your watch isn’t dead. We will help you.
I let the watch battery completly drain. It took hours (which I suppose is a good thing). Watch finally died on me about 2:30 this morning while in bed. Been charging it back up since 5:50 AM. I booted it up to test and screen is now operating as it should. Watch aoppears no worse for wear. However, unless the holding power button down for a long time does not work (hopefully there will not be a second time) there needs to be a way to reboot with an unresponsive screen. Thanks for the advice everyone.
So pin screen comes up before launcher ?
What I meant was I don’t think using a security pin with UL is a good idea - unless pin entry screen appears before the Launcher.
Sorry for misunderstanding. I have no problem with UL any more. The solution for my problem was already told : you have to boot in round Modus not in square, and this has nothing to do with UL.
My point was here to explain how the Genesis is forced to make a reboot, if nothing else is possible.