Genesis Front Camera Picture Issue

I just received my KronosBlade Genesis watch and was very happy with it until I found a problem with the picture taken by the front facing camera. Picture looks good but it is too grainy especially when you zoom in which I don’t think is normal. The picture taken from the front facing camera is not as sharp but at least it is not grainy. I attached 2 pictures - one taken by the front camera and the other by the front camera, please review and advise if the front camera is a problem. Thank you

Taken through the front facing camTaken from top facing camera era|375x500

the reason for the grain is because the picture has been taken indoors with poor ligtht
try taking a photo outside in good light and see if the results are better

i wouldn’t be comparing the image quality with your phone especially if your phone is an up to date model the technology differences will be worlds apart


That is what I thought too and I did took a picture from outdoor but still is grainy - I will take another one tomorrow and see how it looks. FYI, I am not comparing the image quality with my phone - you can see from the picture I attached and I don’t think it should be so grainy, agreed?

I’m afraid that you expected too much from this camera. The quality is not the same as a smartphone.


Some say it has a protective foil, maybe if you remove it …

Just a few of them have this protector in the camera. Make sure that you don’t try to remove a protector that doesn’t exist. Some people already destroyed the cam…

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I took some pictures today with good sunlight and looks like you are right, the camera does depends on good lighting and it is no longer that grainy. I am happy with the pictures and no further concern with the camera. Thank you and greatly appreciate your prompt response and support.

FYI, I tried to attached the pictures in this post but system said it is not allowed. Therefore, I have emailed the pictures to you instead.

Noted - thank you!

Mine does not come with a protective foil

Yes that is common apparently.
Some have a little plastic film and some don’t.