Friends, how to install a watchface zip for Kw88 on Erics Launcher ...

Friends, how to install a watchface zip for Kw88 on Erics Launcher … Sorry for my English, I use the Google Translator

  1. Create a folder called “ClockSkin” on your watch
  2. Place the zip files in this folder (make sure the zip files don’t have another directory.

This info is easily found over here and in the forums if you look for it.

@Zebri_Shaari_Zeb then you should know you answer isn’t correct in this case.
The KW88 doesn’t work with a Clock skin folder. It can be done to put faces on it but in a special (apk) way and only with hands…no weather etc.
And yes…you can find the info how to here on this forum.
Or I missed something and it got new firmware and nowadays it can be done?

Been a while since I’ve been here.and as I’m busy in my new job and not able to come here often sow to all :I wish you merry Christmas and a very peaceful and happy new year!

@Martin_Nijhuis with Eric’s launcher it can be done. Search the apps section for it. Get ready for an influx of new watchfaces on your kw88 :wink: