For my final unboxing on Google+,

For my final unboxing on Google+, I have a special watchface for my fellow vapers. Its called the “Vape Life”. It is kinda based off of 2 vaping memes. (As I don’t know who made the originals, i cannot credit them). It has been a fun ride with G+ and I am a little sad to see it go, but I can wait to see what the new RASC site has for us. I cannot wait to see what new faces people submit in the future and what new creators join the fold. Please let me know if y’all have any issues.

Note: I have tested this on my Lem5 and it seems to work perfectly. Also, this requires UL for the animations, although that should be noted in the catagory.

Credit to: for the dumb and dumber image and AzureSol of for the weather icons.


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@Nicholas_Herczeg Got it sir thank you. Perfect pic I was wondering how the pic of him almost throwing up after seeing his boy drop off his girl was gonna play out. That was before the Vap chat💨 then I realized ok I kinda see where you might go with it lol

@Ameer_Salam Yeah, it was from the meme “what vapers look like without clouds”. I thought it was funny and so true. So I decided to run with the idea. Search “vape memes” in Google search and click images. It’s in there somewhere.

BBBbbbwwaaahhh ha ha ha ha ha! Flippin’ AWESOME!

So cool watchface :sunglasses::dash:. See u in the new home guys!!

Hell yea VAPE LIFE :no_smoking::no_smoking: question where do I add the juice at on this :watch: face? :innocent: @Nicholas_Herczeg thanks again for your creativity and time.

@Ameer_Salam No problem, man. It’s kinda funny. I originally joined this community to get faces for a watch that I’d ordered, but never came in. I made a few requests and eventually got encouraged to design for myself. I found it so fun that I’ve just kept going. Again, I gotta thank @G1NT0N1C , @Pablo_Eleven_Pablo11 and @Cerebral_Flex (among others) for their initial and ongoing encouragement, @Eric_Crochemore and @Marco_Ferreira for their amazing software as well as @Russell_Hippert for my new watch. Being able to test my faces before I post them is a major help. Hope to see you at the new place!