Firmware update issue

Hi All,

Firstly apologies for my lack of familiarity with full android watches and especially my lack of familiarity with this forum.

About 18 months ago I bought the KP2 and in an initial burst of enthusiasm, I updated the firmware.

I honestly don’t remember what the process was.

I have just looked through the pages regarding firmware, but I am unsure what the precise relevance is of some of the terms used.

Anyway, I’m not sure if the firmware I installed is better than the original or not, in any case, I haven’t for whatever reason used the watch since.

I have recharged the watch and everything seems to be working, despite being abandoned for so long.

Apologies again for asking, but I haven’t been able to work out which current firmware is best or how to install it on the watch I have with the firmware that is on it.

Any advice on which firmware is currently the best and how to get it onto the watch would be gratefully appreciated.


Hi . If you updated the firmware " over the air " then performed a factory reset after all will be okay . If your watch has no more updates available you are on the latest firmware and good to go

The firmware I currently have is FAW-PRIME2-V1.1_20210606-2109 which I think, is a custom firmware?

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Yep that’s no longer available.
Just flash the latest stock firmware in the support thread for the Prime 2…
If you want to use the FAW wireless update zip file - you can after flashing the stock firmware.
Latest stock firmware is here

Flash back to stock and the visit the Download Category and grab the FAW RC1 firmware that you can update to from the watch storage, no flash tool needed.
But you need to be on stock firmware first.

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Many thanks for the advice, hopefully I’ll have more success this attempt :slight_smile:

Again, apologies for my ignorance of the accepted terminology.

What does FAW stand for?

“Just flash the latest stock firmware in the support thread for the Prime 2”

Is the “Kospet Prime 2 Official support UPDATED!” page, the “support thread for the Prime 2” or am I looking in the wrong place ?

I’m reading through it, but “There are 1653 replies with an estimated read time of 165 minutes” so it’s taking some time to find the relevant information.

I understand that the watch firmware can (theoretically) be updated wirelessly - which is the only option I can find on the watch.

I guess I have to connect it to a pc to install one of the manufacturers firmwares ?

Is there a guide for this process ?

I am accessing the forum via an android tablet, maybe the forum isn’t displaying properly, I have to admit to more than a little difficulty navigating the forum and locating relevant information, it isn’t that I am too lazy to look.

Thank you for the assistance.

Make sure you select " firmware upgrade " in flash tools

Yes you will need to do this on a windows Pc

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