Hi all,

As you know the X5 plus and Q3 plus are about to be released :slight_smile:

Finow have asked if anyone is willing to donate any watch faces for them to use on these products. @Andrew_Davis and @Sergio_Paulo and julian H, have already helped out. If you would like to donate a face for them to use - please post it in the commercial faces section.

Thanks guys :slight_smile:

my mag 32

missing/deleted image from Google+

Thankyou very much :slight_smile:

Dear Pablo Eleven!
Excuse me for the publication of this message on your page.
I am a curator of the international forum 4PDA® and community of users of KingWear KW88. We ask you to report what changes and additions have come with the KW88_CS1_B_GSM_PHT_20161104 OTA updating. We are interested in the list of changes and additions in this version of updating for KingWear KW88. We call it - changelog. Please help with the solution of this question. Thanks!
Yours faithfully

@Sher_Akiloff Hi,
I will ask the company what this update is all about . Hopefully I can get the details within a day or two. Please give me a little time as I am in London at the moment as father has recently passed away unexpectedly and I am taking care of many issues.
I am still talking to KW though so I will ask them tonight.

hi pablo
sorry to hear about your father
wish to offer my Condolences
god bless you friend

@Momi_Az thankyou :slight_smile:

dis mon frère Pablo Eleven (Pablo11),on peut convertir la rom d’une smartwatch en android wear ??? merci pour la réponse !

Say my brother Pablo Eleven (Pablo11), we can convert the rom of a smartwatch into android wear ??? thank you for the answer !

mate - you’ve asked me this in two separate posts and the answer is on the community soooo many times it’s not funny !
This forum is not about Wear in any way shape or form. If we did change our minds it would be in the community name for a start…
Enough now - cheers.

@Pablo_Eleven_Pablo11 ​ Hello bro. Can you teach me? How to do watch face? I can use photoshop well but I can’t working png photos for watch :disappointed:.

Teach me bro :cry:
If you know watch skin maker tutorial show me bro plz… :cry::cry::cry:

Tutorial video is more useful for me.

Sorry for my broken English :disappointed:. I can’t speak elglish well

@wooferman_996 http://roundandroidwatches.proboards.com/board/15/custom-faces-developement-guides

Woow thank you admin @Pablo_Eleven_Pablo11 ​ :kissing_closed_eyes::kissing_closed_eyes::kissing_closed_eyes: