Does your pet chameleon change color? Mine does,

Does your pet chameleon change color? Mine does, but only if I rock my wrist gently to and fro or take him for a walk. : )

Compatible with Standard and Universal launchers.

“How did he do that ?” LOLz Enjoy!!!


I’m trying now bro

This skin awesome. The chameleon change color when u moving ur hand… it’s mind blowing.

Look at my radar boom face, 4 arrows at the center, red to green (can add a few colors) 4 arrows are clock dots (:slight_smile: you can use blink dots to chameleon skin.

Yes I like that one.

xml file:

missing/deleted image from Google+

Neat! : ) I will study it and learn!

@Serdar_EHLIL Great idea using the seperator! Now why didn’t I think of that?

take it easy!