Dear all.. Is it possible to apply rotation inside rotation to a particular object

Dear all…
Is it possible to apply rotation inside rotation to a particular object in the skin? Like moon’s rotation and evolution as analogy?
I am going to make new CF using this concept…
Thanks… :slight_smile:

Salam kenal mas Febri Iswanto, ternyata banyak juga ya org indonesia yg ada disini hehehe…

I don’t think it’s possible right now, but it’s a good idea, maybe the developer of CSM can make it possible.

@Julian_H_Jharrvis salam kenal mas Julian. Betul mas saya juga ga nyangka pas mas Julian posting CF keren2 liat namanya familier… Bagi ilmu & pengalamannya ya…
Lagi demen ngulik X5 yg baru dateng nih… :slight_smile:

Sama2 mas, saling sharing ilmu. jam saya juga baru dateng minggu lalu hehehe… colek yg lain @lana_masaya @beby_sarz

@Lokifish_Marz I see… Trying other approaches, does CSM support animated image such GIF or only support PNG?

I think it’s also doesn’t supported. But you can do trick like @Andrew_Davis ​ do on this

@Julian_H_Jharrvis okay will give a try and search the possibilities… :+1: