Inexpensive Chinese watches with consistently beautiful designs…
Inexpensive Chinese watches with consistently beautiful designs…
Ha! @Simon_Jaffé-Noble You think you have problems! At least it is only the second hand on yours that is going backwards! Look at the watch I just brought! ALL the hands move backwards (Which is probably just as well because so does the dial!) Cheers, Doons
Say guys, Just out of interest…would it be possible to make a smart watch face the same as this? In that the dial is reversed and the hands move counter clockwise? Just curious like. Cheers, doons
@Doonsbury I am working on it, give me a couple of minutes.
@Doonsbury Done
I should have known better than to ask you Joao! And it took you all of 18 minutes to make it?! You must be slowing down in your old age mate! Cheers, Doons
@Doonsbury I just need to name it, please be my guest.
Hmmmm, well the only thing that comes to mind right off the bat is “A counterclockwise Orange”? Had to say that to get @Gazman in! Cheers, Doons
The idea that popped up in my head was “reverse madness” But, I wonder, how can you tell the difference between a counterclockwise orange and a clockwise orange?
So pleased my work has engendered such commentary. Simon’s problem is a one-off and I can’t help…
@noidremained Ah my ungifted friend! Only YOU would NOT know the difference between a Clockwise Orange and a Counterclockwise Orange (Everyone else on the forum would know the difference at a glance!) But let me, as I have on so many occasions, help you out buddy! A clockwise orange always peels to the right…so it follows that a Counterclockwise Orange must always peel to the left, right? Just remember that “It’s always to the left, right!” And you’ll never have any problems spotting a counterclockwise orange again. Cheers, I am here to help, Doons
This holds no a-peel to me…
Don’t worry. Bought the real one off Alibaba tonight