Coolest Thing You've used a Smartwatch For?

The context of the answers will be lost if you delete your question. But as requested, I deleted your question. I just added the question as a photo to my answer instead off.
The reference to Tapster, which you probably overlooked in your anger, is probably interesting for others too.

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It’s annoyance not anger which you can’t blame me for after how things were handled yesterday/today, the fact you deleted posts then your dm’s today. I don’t know you and visa so to be approached by your self and the other user is such a manner, don’t expect a person to comprehend when you’re joking especially when initial interactions were just ridiculing. I dm’d the author hence why I deleted my comment but I’ve just read your edited version and I appreciate your input but remember the author stated “taking cash out an atm” which would indicate he knows a method. Any person curious enough to ask questions would because it’s unheard of. In my case anyways

If there is an argument and this leads to long discussions that have nothing to do with the topic, I will sometimes have to delete them.
If everyone stays polite, this won’t happen.

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Hello people,

Can any of these watches run Freeflight 6?

It’s a free app to control the drone via wifi, especially interested in follow me mode.
Can someone try and download it from play store?
Could not figure out how to create new thread for this question.

I don’t know if cool, but at least ‘useful’:
-Watch YouTube on the Android TV and control it from my watch
-Use the Google clock on my watch (alarm, countdown and stopwatch functions)
-Use the Shazam app (really useful when I wanna instantly know some song’s name I’m hearing)
-Use Nearby (now known as Quichshare) and Easy Share
-Use the Family kids, Google authentication, Google Translate… I don’t know, almost every existing app…