Coolest Thing You've used a Smartwatch For?

The context of the answers will be lost if you delete your question. But as requested, I deleted your question. I just added the question as a photo to my answer instead off.
The reference to Tapster, which you probably overlooked in your anger, is probably interesting for others too.

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It’s annoyance not anger which you can’t blame me for after how things were handled yesterday/today, the fact you deleted posts then your dm’s today. I don’t know you and visa so to be approached by your self and the other user is such a manner, don’t expect a person to comprehend when you’re joking especially when initial interactions were just ridiculing. I dm’d the author hence why I deleted my comment but I’ve just read your edited version and I appreciate your input but remember the author stated “taking cash out an atm” which would indicate he knows a method. Any person curious enough to ask questions would because it’s unheard of. In my case anyways

If there is an argument and this leads to long discussions that have nothing to do with the topic, I will sometimes have to delete them.
If everyone stays polite, this won’t happen.

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Hello people,

Can any of these watches run Freeflight 6?

It’s a free app to control the drone via wifi, especially interested in follow me mode.
Can someone try and download it from play store?
Could not figure out how to create new thread for this question.

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I don’t know if cool, but at least ‘useful’:
-Watch YouTube on the Android TV and control it from my watch
-Use the Google clock on my watch (alarm, countdown and stopwatch functions)
-Use the Shazam app (really useful when I wanna instantly know some song’s name I’m hearing)
-Use Nearby (now known as Quichshare) and Easy Share
-Use the Family kids, Google authentication, Google Translate… I don’t know, almost every existing app…


It’s been years since I founded the forum, and was known as the “Smartwatch Guru”. It awesome to see that all that work wasn’t for nothing.

That said, I’ve used one as a site server (domain name registration, the works). Used another as a Kiwix Server. The ones I had that had cameras, IP cameras.

Even stripped one down, and modified it for a high altitude balloon flight data package. Sadly, that one landed in the ocean and was never recovered. I guess the up side is there might be a fish roaming the ocean with a smartwatch, and calling his freshwater friends.


A blast from the past @Lokifish_Marz :+1:

Welcome back :smile:


Great to hear from you old friend. :+1::slightly_smiling_face::ok_hand:
I always thought we founded this together… But my mind is not very reliable these days :frowning:
Sounds like you’ve had some interesting experiences since you were here with me.

Are you still tinkering with these things?
Or just cruising for something new…?

Either way, great to hear from you and that you are still interested in Android watches :+1::+1::handshake::handshake:


Hey there you old goat. :goat:

Let me rephase. A select few founded the forum, of which I was one.

Well, I’m debunking science deniers, calling out grifters, and got back into astronomy. Other than that, just watching my daughter make superintendent honor roll every grading period. Proud dad is proud! :grin:

I was looking for some files, and wanted to how case design and UI/UX has progressed. Plus is was nice to visit old stomping grounds. Other than that, I’m not as wired in as I used to be so rocking an analog hybrid smartwatch as my daily.


it might not be too cool but i use the app uptimerobot to monitor a couple services on my work, im looking to somehow do that from or integrate it in a watchface that would be awesome

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I’m unaware of anyone else who might have thought of this use case, but I use my three year old Lemfo LEM14 to run the Zombies, Run! app while on a treadmill. Being full Android, it quite easily deals with running the app while tracking distance (based on the stride length setting I set on the watch so as to match the accelerometer readings with the distance being run as determined by the treadmill). The LEM 14 has enough horsepower and memory to allow for an in-app music playlist to be transmitted via bluetooth to any variety of headsets and earbuds. Optionally, it will even stream incoming music from an “external player” such as Audible, iHeart Radio, etc. (as long as you start that stream first and let it run in the background while running the Zombies, Run! app.) Once a run has been completed, I just click on the blue Synchronize button in my account on the app in my LEM 14 and it uploads it via the SIM card or wi-fi to the cloud where I can access the additional effort to my automatically tracked statistics. Of course I can also track my statistics on the LEM 14 as well. If running a Zombies, Run! episode (it’s a story track like you’re on a running mission supporting a supply run in a post-apocalyptic scenario where most of the 8 billion people on Earth are now zombies) my LEM 14 will simultaneously track the GPS route I’ve taken.


Yes i also have sprinted through fields using this app with earbuds pretending i am being chased by zombies :rofl::rofl::rofl: . Until i was reported acting strange to the authorities :+1:


Great! I would have loved to be there! :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Its a great app :rofl::rofl:


LOL. But I only sometimes turn on the zombie chases option when I’m on the treadmill. When I’m running outside, I always have it turned off. So I’m covered as far as those pesky authorities are concerned.

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HaHa :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: