Congrats to All!!! In monitoring smartwatch related communities on G+ we have found that

Congrats to All!!!

In monitoring smartwatch related communities on G+ we have found that the RAS Community is the largest smartwatch community outside of Pebble, Tizen and Wear related communities. Even then, this community is still larger than most of the communities that deal with those watches. So not only are we the largest Android smartwatch community, we are one of the largest smartwatch communities on G+.

And all this has happened in less than a year!

So a congrats and thank you goes out to our members, content contributors, those that have donated, and the smartwatch brands that work with us.

@NO.1_Phone Hexxa, ZeBlaze, Finow, KingWear, @Iqi_SmartWatch

Awesome stuff!!!

Without this community my finow X5 watch would not be the same

It was a long, long way from the watch I bought to the watch I own now! Many thanks to all of you and best wishes for the new year.