Change watchfaces by timer

Hello! My idea is the following: At work I need about 5 apps a lot (calculator, diccionary, scanner, the work-intern app,…). In my freetime I need 6 different apps a lot (phonecalls, maps, whatsapp,…). So I thought of designing two watchfaces that are the same except the app complications in them. At work I could have the first and in the afternoon and evening the second one.

I was wondering if it is possible to change the two watchfaces automatically at a certain time. And even more: On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 16:00 and on Thursday and Friday at 12:00 and on the weekend I would only use the watchface number two.

Do you think something like this is possible to create? If yes, I try and search the internet about how.
Or do you think there is an easier option as watchfaces for me to have the same effect?

Thank you very much for your opinion!

There is an App to switch between watchfaces, but I don’t think that you can switch them so exact you want:
But I don’t understand why not switch manualy in your case…


That app is only compatible with UL.
I guess i might be a good idea… Changing to a low res watchface during the night and resume to the previous watch face at a especific time…
I will make same test with Tasker…