Cavendish - tribute to ameer salam

Hello friends,
I bring you a new hybrid model.

@Ameer Salam is a great supporter of my work, and always asks me for digital faces. As you know, I’m very anological … lol.

This is a tribute to this friend!
I hope you like it!

Ps: For those who use the format of 12hs inserted below the digital seconds pm or am

senna senna2



@Thiago_Cavendish Hi, now normally I am not a big fan of digital (Like you I prefer Analog) but this particular face seems to have struck a nice balance between Analog & Digital. Certainly it is unique looking watch face. Thanks for sharing it with us! Cheers, Doons


I noticed right away how easy it is to read :+1:Everything is spaced out very nicely excellent :watch:face. As always thank you for your time my friend :100: @Thiago_Cavendish

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